Wanhao Duplicator i3 V2 - PID Autotune Process

Temperature control is critical in 3D printing. Unfortunately, the Prusa i3 clones typically come with PID temperature control disabled. Using any program that can talk to your printer directly including Octoprint and Repetier host, you can setup PID and use the built-in auto-tune process to get much better temperature control.

The following video walks through the process on my Monorprice Maker Select (a clone of the Wanhao Duplicator i3).

PID Autotune process for Wanhao Duplicator i3 V2, Monoprice Maker Select and Cocoon Create.

1. In any system that provides terminal access to your printer via USB (Repetier host, Octoprint, etc) enter the command M303 S230
2. Wait for process to finish and gather Kp, Ki and Kd values
3. On the printer; go to Configuration - Extruder
4. Set Control to PID
5. Set DT/PID P to the value of Kp
6. Set PID I to the value of Ki
7. Set PID D to the value of Kd
8. Go BACK ⏎


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